A robot has been created to move like a human bottom and perfectly simulate how drivers and passengers get in and out of their car seats. Engineers used…
A robot has been created to move like a human bottom and perfectly simulate how drivers and passengers get in and out of their car seats. Engineers used…
500 people simultaneously experience Ford’s “Autolivery” concept in virtual reality. The concept was developed by a team of Ford employees for the company’s…
Ford President and CEO Jim Hackett, today opened the company’s Ford Smart Mobility Innovation Office in London, which will target the near-term development…
Ford and Virginia Tech Transportation Institute are testing a Ford-designed lighting method for self-driving vehicles to signal their intent to pedestrians,…
Ford kondigde aan dat Sarah-Jayne Williams het bedrijf in september vervoegt als eerste Director of Smart Mobility in Europa. Ze zal werken vanuit het…
De bron van een sirene proberen te lokaliseren terwijl u aan het rijden bent, kan erg stresserend zijn. Bovendien kunt u prioritaire voertuigen hinderen…